Responsive image

Frequently Asked Questions

General Functions

Click on the table of the person you want to talk with, or you can invite the person to your table instead.

Click on the table of the person you want to talk with, or you can invite the person to your table instead.

Click on the table of the person you want to talk with, or you can invite the person to your table instead.

Click on the table of the person you want to talk with, or you can invite the person to your table instead.

Payment & Subscription

Click on the table of the person you want to talk with, or you can invite the person to your table instead.

Click on the table of the person you want to talk with, or you can invite the person to your table instead.

Click on the table of the person you want to talk with, or you can invite the person to your table instead.

Click on the table of the person you want to talk with, or you can invite the person to your table instead.

Click on the table of the person you want to talk with, or you can invite the person to your table instead.